Kamis, 14 April 2011

Middle Test

Lesson : ICT Day/Date : Wednesday, 3 16 2011

Class/Program : XI/IA & IS Session : 2

Semester : 2 (Even) Hour : 08.40 – 10.10
Please, answer the following questions, short and right! Please, use full English verion!


1. Please, specify all the members of Microsoft Office 2007 !

2. Please, specify all the members of Pull Down Menu Microsoft Excel 2007 !

3. Please, specify the number of columns and rows in :

a. Microsoft Excel 2007 !

b. Microsoft Excel 2003 !

4. Whether its function in MS Excel 2007 ?

a. Format Cells?

b. Sum?

c. Count numbers?

d. Max?

e. Min?




i. MID?


5. If the value is less than 76, then “FAIL” and if its value more than 76, than “SUCCESS”. Please write a formula that should be used !

Notice !

Strictly forbidden to operate a Laptop, Notebook, Netbook and similar !!!


1. They are :
a. Microsoft Office Access 2007, used to processing data base.
b. Microsoft Office Excel 2007, is a spread sheet program for processing number.
c. Microsoft Office Word 2007, is a word sheet program for processing word’s document.
d. Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, used to presentating document, to make a document for presentation.
e. Microsoft Office OutLook 2007, used to send and receive e-mail.
f. Microsoft Office Publisher 2007, used to make a brochure, poster, and banner.

2. They are :
a. New : to make a new document.
b. Open : to open file, specially excel’s file.
c. Save : to save the excel’s document.
d. Save As: to save a file with another name or extention like*xlsx or *xls.
e. Print: to printing document.
f. Close: to exit from worksheet Microsoft Excel 2007.

3. Number of columns and rows :

a. Microsoft Excel 2007 : 1.048.576 rows dan 16.384 columns.

b. Microsoft Excel 2003 : 65.536 rows dan 256 columns.

4. Function of :

a. Format Cell : Change the row height or column width, organize sheets, or protect or hide cells.

b. Sum : used to find the amount of content data in a certain range.

c. Count Number : Use COUNT to get the number of entries in a number field that is in a range or array of numbers.

d. Max : used to find the highest value from a range.

e. Min : used to find the lowest value from a range.

f. COUNTIF : used to calculate / chopping a cell / range based on specific criteria.

g. VLOOKUP : to compute / retrieve values ​​from a reference table vertically and then inserted into the working table.

h. HLOOKUP : to compute / retrieve values ​ ​from a reference table horizontally and then inserted into the working table.

i. MID :used to find text on the cell as from the middle

j. ROUND 0,ROUND 1,ROUND 2 :to make to fraction in data

5. For value is more than 76

=IF(data range<76,"FAIL",IF(data range>76,"SUCESS"))